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Visual identity

2023 - 2024


Endgo is a consulting company that supports tech players in project management.


A project centered around a vibrant technological theme with strong contrasts, the logo features a counterform representing two interconnected cells.


Design of a graphic charter, examples of printed materials, and mobile app mockups.


Visual identity

2023 - 2024


A multi-platform awareness campaign aimed at educating image professionals about the challenges of generative AI in image creation.


2D and 3D illustrations, icons, and typographic compositions visually presenting the various topics and underlying issues of generative AI in image creation.


Methodological booklet for visual identity design, large-format posters, website, social media communications, and campaign presentation booklet.

Jacques Prévert
Youth and
Cultural Center

and facilitation of a workshop



The MJC Jacques Prévert is a community center located in the heart of Aix-en-Provence. For this project, I had the opportunity to facilitate a poster creation workshop aimed at representing the various activities offered by the association.


The idea was to provide participants with black-and-white photos to create paper photomontages. They were free to use paint, text, or any other technique or visual element to enrich their creations.


These posters were used to illustrate the association's 2024-2025 program, which I worked on and is presented in the form of an A5 booklet. The booklet's cover was also adapted into a 2 m² poster for communication in the center of Aix-en-Provence.

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